Thermography, as the name implies, involves using a heat source to raise text and images slightly above the surface on which they are printed.
During the printing process, the surface is passed under a spray, delivering a fine resin powder which adheres to the still wet ink and the surface is immediately subjected to a very high heat source for a second or two. The resin melts, adopts the colour of the ink it was applied to, and when the heat is withdrawn, solidifies again within seconds. The result is extremely effective, and thermography has been a popular option with our clients for a long time.
The resin powder is actually transparent, and becomes the colour of the printed image when heated. However resin powders are also available in metallic versions such as gold, silver and bronze. This makes thermography an ideal option for business cards and letterheads, as well as being perfect for such things as wedding invitations.
Again, it is not a process which suits every type of work. Stationery which may subsequently be used in a laser printer could result in the resin re-melting, or the adhesive on gummed envelopes may melt due to the heat source.
We can advise you as to the suitability of thermography for your requirements and what alternatives we are able to offer.
This is only a small selection of what we can print with Thermography. If you don't see exactly what you need, please call us on 01322 333363 and one of our friendly team will help you find the printing solution you need.